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JMK sponsor Business Sector at NI Road Safety Awards

By 9th September 2019October 8th, 2024News
JMK sponsor Business Sector at NI Road Safety Awards

JMK Solicitors are proud to sponsor the Business Sector category in this year’s Northern Ireland Road Safety Awards, which recognise the contribution of individuals and organisations who have worked to improve road safety in their communities.

The awards, now in their 5th year, are organised by Road Safe NI Charity, and have a total of 10 categories.  The awards ceremony takes place at Cultra Manor on Friday 22nd November as part of Road Safety Week.

The full list of categories are: Education, Lollipop Person, Driving Instructor, Emergency Services Person, Voluntary Sector person and group, LGV/ HGV Sector, Business Sector, Public Sector and Lifetime Achievement.

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