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JMK Solicitors utilise technology to move client meetings online

By 21st April 2020October 8th, 2024News
JMK Solicitors Technology Calls

At JMK Solicitors we are taking steps to remain productive and effective for our clients. Although our office buildings are closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are still open and available to help. All of our team are working from home and we have been utilising secure technology to ensure as little disruption as possible to our normal service.

Good news! We have moved several meetings online, with our Legal Advisors holding consultations with clients and barristers using video conferencing with great success.

Senior Solicitor Una O’Neill commented, “I have found video conference calls so helpful in assisting with the progression of clients’ cases during this challenging time. I have had video calls with clients and their barristers as well as with Eastern European clients and translators in order to discuss medical evidence, settlement offers and generally obtaining updated instructions.

Clients have remarked that they find this ‘face to face’ contact, (albeit virtual!) much better than a telephone call for staying in touch, being kept updated, and easing the progression of their case.”

All of us at JMK Solicitors wish to assure you of our ongoing commitment to client service during this time.

JMK Solicitors are Northern Ireland’s Number 1 Personal Injury Specialists. With a team of over 100 people including a team of personal injury solicitors, we assist clients all over Northern Ireland. If you have suffered a personal injury, been in a car accident, or had an accident at work, contact our team for a free consultation.

Call us today on 028 9032 0222 or email us

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