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Are you Blue Light Aware?

All road users should be aware of what to do when emergency vehicles such as ambulances, the police, emergency motorcycles, and fire engines turn on their flashing blue lights and / or sirens. This is a signal to others on the road to move out of their way to allow them to pass to reach an emergency situation. If you are on the road when you are driving, you should:

  • Stay calm.
  • Consider the route of the emergency vehicle.
  • Check to see how many are coming, often there could be more than one needing to pass.
  • Take appropriate safe action to let it pass.
  • Continue to comply with traffic signs and lights while moving to the side of the road and stop if you can.
  • If possible, avoid mounting a kerb, entering a bus lane, stopping on a bend, hill or a narrow section of the road, pick somewhere safe to pull in.
  • Avoid obstructing or hindering the emergency vehicle.
  • Avoid braking harshly at junctions or roundabouts.

When you have safely pulled over, the emergency vehicle will manoeuvre its way around you. When it has passed, and you are sure there are no more emergency vehicles coming, you can then continue with your journey when it is safe to do so.

How to know if a Police vehicle wants you to pull over and stop

If a police vehicle wants you to stop your vehicle, they will do so by flashing their blue lights, headlights or sounding their siren. They may also direct you to pull over by a point and / or using their left indicator.

If this occurs, you must pull over, stop, and turn your engine off as soon as it is safe to do so.

For more information on how you can become Blue Light Aware or to raise awareness with family and friends, visit the dedicated Blue Light Aware Website.


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